What Do Gorillas Eat?

What Do Gorillas Eat And Other Gorilla Facts

What Do Gorillas Eat And Other Gorilla Facts : First of all, Gorillas are the largest living primates who make their homes in central and East Africa. Gorillas function in a well- developed social structure and   have emotions similar to the human experience, including laughter and sadness. Although, they are declining in number due to poaching, disease and habitat destruction remain threats and WWF is working to designate new  protected areas where population can thrive.

What Do Gorillas Eat?

Gorillas are mainly vegetarian diet ,feeding on stems ,bamboo shoots and fruits. Western lowland gorillas tend to feed on termites and ants ,and break open termite nests to eat the larvae.

Do gorillas live  alone?

Gorillas move around in family groups that can range from a couple of individuals to more than 40 individuals. A dominant male gorilla ‘’Silverback’ leads and holds the position for years.

What Do Gorillas Eat?
Gorilla Family

How closely related to gorillas are humans?

Gorillas are the most  intelligent  animals ,they share 98% of their DNA with human – making them to be our closest cousins after chimpanzees and bonobos.

What threat do gorillas face?

Gorillas usually face threats of poaching ,diseases such as Ebola and habitat destruction which is threaten for four gorilla subspecies; they live outside of protected areas.  WWF works to designate new gorilla sanctuaries ,like in Congo.

How big do gorillas get?

Well ,adult male gorillas weigh up to 440 pounds and can  measure a height of six feet when standing on two legs. Mature male gorillas are known as silverbacks’’ when their hair turn into white hair that develops on their back at about 14 years of age.

How often do gorillas give birth?

Females have  a gestation period of 8.5 months and nurture their young for

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