Garamba National Park
Garamba National Park is one of the Congo’s hallmark safari destinations found in the northeastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo that measures the largest piece of the land over 52,000 square kilometers. However, the park is the oldest and was listed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in the year 1980 for its protection as a critical home for northern white rhinoceroses, elephants, hippopotamuses, and giraffes among other species. More to that, Garamba National Park is managed by African parks in partnership with the ‘’ICCN’’ Institut Congolais pour la Conservation de la Nature since 2005.
Historically, Garamba National Park become a UNESCO Heritage Site in 1980 and was included on the specialized agency’s list of World Heritage in the war that happened from 1984 to 1992. Then from 1991 0 1993 over 50,000 Sudanese refugees settled outside Garamba after being displaced by the Sudan People’s Liberation Army due to the increased poaching and so far 21 park rangers had died. The report shows that around 121 conflicts between poachers and park rangers went through a struggle. In the year 1994, the international Rhino Foundation provided funding for patrol vehicles as well as ranger salaries in 1995. This made Garamba National Park to be added back to the danger list in 1996 because of the northern white rhinoceros poaching. But here comes some help from the different organizations to rehabilitate the Garamba National Park such as the Frankfurt Zoological Society, International Union for Conservation of Nature, and World Wildlife Fund together with the local authorities among others.
Flora and fauna; The park is Congo’s largest national park composed of savannah grassland filled with a low density of acacias, however home to a variety of wild animal species such as buffalos, elephants, hyenas, giant forest hogs, giraffes, hippopotamus and lions, forest hogs, chimpanzees many more. Garamba National Park is also home to the largest population of giraffes, the Kordofan subspecies which numbers less than 60 individuals as well as various elephant species. It is also a home for birders with over 300 bird species including the Knob billed duck tailed cormorant, white-backed pelican, Squacco heron, fishing eagle, water thick-knee, pied kingfisher, wattle plovers, black crake, secretary bird many more.
Garamba National Park has got many stunning attractions and things to do that take away visitors’ minds including; Wildlife viewing, Bird watching, Boat cruise, Fishing, and Guided nature walks among others.
Wildlife viewing; Garamba National Park is a stunning destination to go for life adventure on Congo Safaris where you can enjoy wildlife viewing on a large scale such animals to see includes hyenas, lions, buffaloes, African elephants, hippos, Kordofan giraffes, golden cats, warthogs, waterbucks, giant forests hogs, antelopes, bush pig, mongooses, De Brazza monkey, vervet monkey among others.
Bird Watching; The park is a paradise for birders however it attracts many visitors who visit the park for birding on their day of birding can be able to encounter such as white-backed pelicans, pink-backed pelicans, spur-winged plovers, white-backed pelicans, pink-backed pelicans, long-tailed cormorants, wattle pelicans among others.
Guided nature walk; Garamba national park has got interesting trails where nature walk is carried out that exposes you to many plant species, insect, and butterflies as well as primates.
Fishing; Around the park are inhabited water bodies –rivers where you can have a fishing experience from. However, we advise those interested in fishing to come along with their fishing gear.
Boat Cruising; This is an exciting activity that can be done in the Congo basin wilderness while on the boat cruise, you can be able to enjoy the park’s flora and fauna as you also view some aquatic species of animals and birds.
Best time to visit Garamba National Park. Garamba National park can be visited all year round though the best time could be the dry season starting from June to December with less rainfall. But still, you can visit the park in the wet season because here accommodations lower the price.
Accommodation in Garamba National Park; There are several comfortable sleeping homes within and outside the park ranging from luxury, Mid-range, and Budget including; New Cosmos, Plaza hotel, hotel Kisangani, La Trompette hotel, Flat hotel Petit zoo among many others.
Accessibility; Garamba National Park can be accessed by both air and road transport. Those traveling by road can easily be accessed from Juba –the capital of South Sudan which takes a few drives to reach there. Although, the best and easiest means of transport to access the park is the travel of air.
Lastly, the traveler can opt to combine a visit to Mgahinga Gorilla national park a home to great and unique primates such as the mountain gorillas and golden monkeys as well as home to Batwa people which can be found in their community around the park. However, you can choose to do gorilla trekking in Mgahinga or wildlife viewing, boat cruise, and nature walk in Garama National Park thus having an unforgettable experience.